I have long been intrigued by the
concept of Home and what it means to all of us and each of us. I'm sure part of
my fascination with this subject is because for so many years, I lived so far
away from the city/state/country that I called home. Maybe this made me feel
more sensitive to the feelings of home.
When does the place or city you
live in become your home? How long does it take before a new place becomes
home? Does it happen instantly or does it take some time? Are there certain
things that need to be in place before you get this feeling? Can you live in
one place for years and still feel like it's not really home? Do the feelings
of home change? These have been things I have wondered about over the years.
I remember when I decided to
leave Sweden to return to California in 2011, I was surprised by the responses
of many people - especially those who had lived in Sweden for 20 and 30 years.
When I told them my news, there were many who said, 'I think often about going
home'. For some reason, I had thought that most of those individuals had made
Sweden their home and that they no longer entertained thoughts of going back
to the country where they were born. I had never heard these people ever say
anything about 'home' before, but it was obviously something that was always
present for them.
I am soon off on a trip to Sweden
for a visit and that's why I think next month will be the perfect time to
explore the topic further in my newsletter.
In the meantime, what are some
questions or thoughts that come up for YOU about home?