Welcome to Valentino Coaching and my website, More Than Just Fine.
Perhaps you are one of the many people in the world living in the 'Just Fines'? You might feel that you have every reason to be fulfilled and happy, but for some reason it feels....fine. And you know that there is more than fine out there somewhere.This feeling of 'just fine' can even leave you with little motivation, passion and energy to go forward.
That is what Valentino Coaching is all about--helping you see and feel that the more than fine IS out there for you. And with some exploration, reflection, support and resources you can get closer and closer to defining it and then getting it.
I am here to give you inspiration and support and not sensory or idea overload. There is certainly enough of that out there in the world already.The intention is that you come here and feel the supportive energy and leave with a feeling of space and maybe even an urge for creativity, more research, discovery or reflection. Please feel free to contact me at any time to let me know how I am doing with that intention.
With warmth,