Friday, July 29, 2011

Inspirational Reads and Websites

•My book pick of the month is Transitions by William Bridges. I read this book years ago and have been recently re-reading it. There is so much here. The thing I have gotten from it this time is just that we can use the power of change instead of being overpowered by it. What a comforting thought, don't you think?

The Energy of Money by Maria Nemeth. This is an interesting book all about your relationship to money. It is not a "financial" book, but more of a spiritual book about looking at yourself, your TRUE self, and creating the kind of relationship to money that best supports YOU.

•Want some fun and lightness every weekday? Sign up for Notes from the Universe. Every day you will receive a personalized message to remind you of who you are. These messages almost never fail to bring a smile to my face.

•Read fascinating research about the heart at the Institute of HeartMath. There are articles and tips on how we can live more in tune with our hearts, connecting our hearts and our minds on a daily basis.

Past Book Picks of the month