Identifying My Core ValuesStep One: Look over the list below. Identify the top ten values that are most important to you at this point in your life. Mark these by highlighting them or putting an X in the box. If you don’t see one of your core values, add it in one of the empty boxes. Don’t think too much. Just find the ones that resonate with you. And have fun!
Family Happiness * Self-Respect * Generosity * Competitiveness
Wisdom * Friendship * Recognition * Advancement * Spirituality
Affection * Health * Loyalty * Cooperation * Responsibility * Culture
Adventure * Fame * Inner Harmony *Achievement * Involvement
Order * Wealth * Creativity * Economic Serenity * Pleasure
Integrity * Freedom * Power * Personal Development * Fun
Belonging * Life-long learning * Honesty * Genuineness * Spontaneity
Success * Authenticity * Flexibility * Intimacy * Accountability
Knowledge * Commitment * Community * Connection * Directness
Communication * Efficiency * Sincerity * Gentleness * Professionalism
Strength * Meaning * Compassion * Accomplishment * Character * Influence
Caring * Focus * Follow-through * Truth * Humor * Purpose * Sacrifice
Passion * Emotion * Achievement * Leadership * Marriage * Diversity
Mastery * Duty * Competence * Movement * Heritage * Fulfillment
Excellence * Service * New * Challenges * Planning * Reflection * Hospitality
Concern * Practicality * Nurture * Joy * Partnership * Nature * Romance
Beauty * Love * Exploration * Respect * Movement * Motivation
Progress *Thoughtfulness * Lightness * Changing the world
Step Two: From these ten, pick the five that are most important to you at this time and write a short definition or explanation of each.
Step Three: From these five, pick the one that is most important to you right now.
My most important value: