It can be tempting to stuff down those emotions as they aren't always so comfortable. If you're not used to feeling fear or guilt or shame or sadness, it can be very disconcerting to allow yourself to feel them. We tend to want to deny them or rush past them. And when we do, we aren't allowing ourselves to truly feel and to learn from this feeling. It can be a little uncomfortable in the beginning. But the more you allow yourself to feel, the more you learn. You can get started with this process with simple questions such as "What am I feeling right now?", "What do I most need right now?"
The other side of the coin of not allowing ourselves to feel our emotions is to REALLY let ourselves feel them. This was the gem of the call for me - when Gary said that being emotionally aware was not the same as emotionally indulgent. It is absolutely necessary to FEEL what we are feeling, but it is not helpful at all to get stuck in the emotion. Sometimes we have the tendency to get stuck in the drama of it all, asking questions such as 'why did this happen to me' and 'how could she/he do that to me?'. It's like we get stuck in this loop. And actually, we do - we train our brains to do this. If you haven't read Jill Bolte Taylor's A Stroke of Insight, I invite you to as it's excellent. In the book, she describes how the actual chemical reaction of an emotion lasts 90 seconds. The rest is all us - playing it over and over and over in our brains, strengthening that particular loop.
So when you find yourself being emotionally indulgent, take a step back. Remember that you have a choice. And this is when one of my favorite questions is so very helpful. And that is "Ok. This happened. And I'm feeling this way. And as a result of this, who do I choose to be here, right now?"
It can take some practice to reach emotional awareness - to feel what we're feeling without indulging in it. I invite you to experiment with this. Be gentle as you practice and notice all the gems you find along the way.
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<p>Image courtesy of [image creator name] / <a href="http://www.freedigitalphotos.net" target="_blank">FreeDigitalPhotos.net</a></p>